LEGO Legends of Chima #1: High Risk! by Yannick Grotholt

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Well, this is the very first time I have read a Lego book and I have not seen the cartoon so can't compare BUT I enjoyed this! It was cute. Actually had a good story and the art is great, probably like the cartoon. Instead of one long story we have 4 short stories with the first two going together and the same for the last two. This is all explained in the publisher's afterword as the stories are coming from a German magazine. In the first two Laval and Cragger are former best friends with Cragger being controlled by his sister with the potion from a plant. The theme in all four stories is danger, taking risks and being prepared, thinking first. In the second two stories, the "Legends" quest starts, Cragger and Laval are now best buddies again and Cragger knows his sister, who is no longer present, was controlling him. Except for the unexplained bit about how circumstances changed between the two story sets, all four stories are chronological and each plays upon the other to help get to know the characters better. I think these guys are really cute already. My favourite tribe so far though was the gorillas! Great for beginning readers and I'll be sure to check out the next one.
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