Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust by Loïc Dauvillier

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Splendid story of the plight of Jews in Nazi-occupied France. A grandmother tells her granddaughter her story of the holocaust and how she was taken care of by a French family when her parents were carted off to a concentration camp one night. A beautiful, moving story that manages to tell the heartbreak and tragedy from a young child's perspective. The child is not told much of what is really going on, just enough to know the danger and that something very bad is happening. The adults are trying to protect a small part of her childhood innocence in the middle of all this horror. This makes "Hidden" a perfect first book on the holocaust for younger children, as the content is kept very age appropriate for about Gr. 2/3 and up. I'm impressed with the quality and reality of the tale while being sensitive to its younger audience. I love the art which is typically French and also uses disproportionate bodies with large heads. I seem to have read a large number of French comics this year and have become quite impressed with the work coming out of that country. Recommended!
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