Detective Comics (New 52), Vol. 1: Faces of Death by Tony S. Daniel

Detective Comics, Vol. 1: Faces of Death
by Tony S. Daniel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I've read all the Batman books that dealt with the Joker storyline but this one was fiendishly left out of the big Joker "Death in a Family" volume. So I knew I had to go back one day and read just exactly how and under what circumstances the J. had his face removed. The whole Joker story is good and we keep meeting new psycho people who will end up patients at Arkham. When the Joker flees, the Batman has his hands full pretty quickly as he and his girlfriend attend a gala aboard Cobblepot's floating iceberg casino. With the Penguin up to no good, what else is new, he's got a crew of all-new super villains joining him and has a double-cross or thee to maybe make-up some time.

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