Classics Illustrated #9: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair by Peter Kuper

Classics Illustrated #9: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair by Peter Kuper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Classics Illustrated (#9)

Another one that I haven't read the original but "The Jungle" is a book I'd like to read someday. It's time period and topic interest me. I knew nothing about it except that it was a pro-socialist/unions theme and now having read this adaptation and seeing it was written in 1902 can easily see the rose-coloured glasses the author wore when he supposes Socialism/Communism could be a Utopian answer to life's evils. The story itself is a depressing rags to rags saga of a family, especially one man. But this is only what I can get based upon this adaptation. The book though is famous for its depiction of Chicago's brutal stockyards of the time and the reform it brought about. Unfortunately, that is only a small part of this graphic novel and I didn't get to feel any of that horror. The art is astounding. It is done in the style of the (thirties?) Soviet propaganda posters. I used to collect stamps as a kid and loved the art on those old CCCP stamps. So here is a case of the graphic adaptation just whetting my appetite for the "real thing".

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