Red Hood and the Outlaws, Vol. 2: Who Is Artemis? by Scott Lobdell

Red Hood and the Outlaws, Vol. 2: Who Is Artemis? by Scott Lobdell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm jumping in here with volume 2 and will have to go back and read volume 1. What a ride this was and what a team Red Hood has gathered to himself this time! Artemis the mysterious Amazon warrior fits right in with Red but the third member, Bizarro threw me for a loop. Usually, I groan whenever this Superman clone shows up but he's being written very well here by Lobdell. I actually liked the character for comic relief and surprisingly, compassion. The main story here is Artemis' background and how it got her where she is today with her mission to find a mythical bow. The others come along and Jason has to do battle with his younger self who was buried by the Joker while Bizarro, left on his own chooses a humanitarian mission. I've always enjoyed Red Hood so this new twist has me riveted and intrigued. Now to grab volume 1 and find out how these characters ended up on the same team!
