James Bond: Hammerhead by Andy Diggle

James Bond: Hammerhead by Andy Diggle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third volume in Diggle's new take on Bond and was just as good as I had been expecting. This is a great series and this volume is action-packed from start to finish. There isn't a lot of characterization (we all know the main peeps anyway, don't we?) as the story focuses on plot and action; lots of action. I love this Bond! He's modern set in a modern world but very much the classic, smooth, no bars held Bond of yesteryear. The lady villain is so very much a wonderful "Bond Girl". The art is classy suiting the atmosphere and to sum up: I loved everything about this volume. Each book is its own individual plot from start to finish and I can't wait for another to be published.
