Harbinger Renegade, Volume 1: The Judgment of Solomon by Rafer Roberts

Harbinger Renegade, Volume 1: The Judgment of Solomon by Rafer Roberts
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely adored this. I haven't read Harbinger before, nor was I familiar with any of these characters though I have heard of Faith. I'm a big fan of Archer & Armstrong by Valiant and this is by the same author as the new A&A so thought I'd go with this and I was not disappointed. This is a great starting place for a newbie to these characters as the beginning starts with an introduction to the universe, who the characters are, and what happened in the past to bring them to the point they are now. This is all very much a beginning volume that sets the tone and the plot. Quite a bit violent and highly intriguing. I like this and look forward to more.
