Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1-4 by Matt Wayne

The Panic of the Composite CreaturesThe Panic of the Composite Creatures by Matt Wayne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1

Ha! Pure camp! Starts with a brief cameo of Batman helping Aquaman out of a bind and Aquaman has a British accent. LOL. Then the Bat is summoned to London, England, where he takes down a monster under the control of Lex Luthor when along comes Power Girl to help him out. Talk about a strange combo of characters and the dialogue is filled with slang. Fun for kids though.

The Brave and the Bold #2: The Attack of the Virtual Villains (re-read)

The Brave and the Bold #3: President Batman (re-read)


 Menace of the Time ThiefMenace of the Time Thief by Matt Wayne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #2

This is a fun romp for the kids involving time-travel and laughs. Also includes some characters not often seen: Rip Hunter and girlfriend Bonnie Baxter plus villain Dr. Cyber (usually Wonder Woman's foe).
