FREE PDF of Salsa Invertebraxa by Mozchops

Mozchops, the author/artist of Salsa Invertebraxa, has announced that the PDF of his graphic novel is now FREELY available.  This link will take you directly to the file

...Seen through the compound eyes of two tiny companions, Salsa Invertebraxa is an epic adventure set in an imaginary world full of discovery and wonder... 

With antennae listening out for the armies competing for dominance on the forest floor, two friends encounter strange new species of insect among surreal gardens of terrestrial delights. By nightfall, their mischief takes on a mysterious and foreboding turn as they attempt to steal eggs from monstrous super-predators, disturbing the fragile tranquillity of this bizarre Eden. Salsa Invertebraxa is a magical window into a beautiful and strange paradise...

I reviewed this book last year and felt under qualified to do it justice.  The art is absolutely tremendous, but the text is poetry/verse which left me baffled.  So while I gave the book a low rating.  I give it top marks for art and think that someone who enjoys verse and appreciates poetry will get much more from it than I did.  The book is truly gorgeous. Visit the book's website here.
