Comics Squad: Recess! edited by Jennifer L. Holm

Comics Squad: Recess! edited by Jennifer L. Holm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fun anthology of short stories by popular children's graphic novelists. I've read all these authors before and found it a delight to read these stories. Some are one-off shorts while others are further adventures of favourite characters such as Baby Mouse and Lunchroom Lady. The stories are all held together by the common theme of recess; with recess featuring prominently in some and and simply in passing in others. I enjoyed each story, each being a perfect example of the author/illustrator's work. I went into each one looking forward to the treat and was not disappointed, however, if the reader has not read any of these authors these stories are bound to have you searching for their other books. Good Show! And the back of the book assures us that a sequel is in the works. Yeah!

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