Angel CatBird Volume 1 by Margaret Atwood

Angel CatBird Volume 1Angel CatBird Volume 1 by Margaret Atwood
My rating: DNF

I don't usually post DNf's but because of the author it got me going on a rant. ;-)

This is the most blatant thing I've read from Atwood. I quit reading on pg 27 when I came to the second nauseating PSA message about outdoor cats. I've read a lot of Atwood and love some of her works but her politics are nuts. In a world where people are beheaded because of their religion, the most important cause Atwood can think to write about is cats eating birds? It's not that I disagree with her, I have indoor cats. She should check the statistics on how many birds (and bats) are being slaughtered by wind turbines. I'm not reading this weird political tract. Think the topic is supposed to be a joke? think again. She just spent the last number of years trying to get the word "son" out of the Canadian anthem, because her kind of woman is so stupid she can't sing the word son without being offended. Rant over.
